Cuadro de cotizaciĆ³n de Bitcoin
Currently Allowed File Types Neocities is best with files that are used for making static HTML web sites, such as: HTML (.html, .htm) Image (.jpg, .png, .gif, .svg, .ico) Markdown (.md, .markdown) JavaScript (.js, .json, .geojson) CSS (.css) Text (.txt, .text, .csv, .tsv) XML (.xml) Web Fonts (.eot, .ttf, .woff, .woff2, .svg) This is not a complete list of the file types we support, but it is still recommended that you focus on files used for making web sites. The full list of supported file extensions is: asc atom bin css csv dae eot epub geojson gif gltf htm html ico jpeg jpg js json key kml knowl less manifest markdown md mf mid midi mtl obj opml otf pdf pgp png rdf rss sass scss svg text tsv ttf txt webapp webmanifest webp woff woff2 xcf xml